Undead Artist Content Creation of 2024 (part 1)
Posted on: 2025-01-05 23:14:31

2024 has been quite another year for me in terms of making content. I want to dedicate this post to my very best of 2024. There is much to go over. So let’s start with Instagram:
My Best image on Instagram. TBA (9 likes)
Let’s look at Youtube:
Video: Warzone Verdansk Main Menu Music | Iconic Call of Duty Soundtrack
Title: Warzone Verdansk Main Menu Music | Iconic Call of Duty Soundtrack
Views: 3,000 in 2024
Runner Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYjrn-YoElI
Title: How to Defeat STORMCALLER QUICKEST in MWZ - Act 3 - Closing Time
Views: 3,900
Both call of duty themed pieces and goes to show that although I only started playing again in late 2021. I have developed myself for the first couple years, honed in on the space, and tirelessly confided in the gaming stratosphere. I understood the art of the game down to the nostalgic Verdansk themes to the meta loadouts, and updates. I won’t say I'm ever going to make or see success in this particular space but it's pretty cool to see another creative passion of mine translated in the same social media channels with vlogging and gaming.
Next is Tiktok. Unlike the youtube channel, where I have created one after another, I wanted to use TikTok as a platform for art and gaming. Yes most of the art has done the best, but seeing the shorts composed in cod games is what makes me feel most rewarded.
Best TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@undeadartistx/video/7395794581880720670
Date: 7/26/24
Views: 3525
Runner Up: https://www.tiktok.com/@undeadartistx/video/7332947842333527339
Date: 2/7/24
Views: 2,200
Next Best: https://www.tiktok.com/@undeadartistx/video/7434254556663467306
Date: 11/06/24
Views: 1917
This blog post was supposed to be a more shallow dive into my content’s main presence. It’s a lot for me to come to the keyboard and try to create something in a saturated space and leave myself vulnerable to a group that either tries to help, or feels like my work isn’t worth putting out there. So why would I create all these pieces of digital content to begin with? But for now, I hold my paint brush in one hand, and my controller in the other and smile for the camera hoping that my content next year would surpass this by 100%.
Without closing the blog on that. I did want to make one point now that Ive seen just the tip of the iceberg of content that has shown through, maybe a mere 1 % of it here. Do I have specific backing on why those pieces of content did well? Not really, and that’s unfortunate for this post. I will say however, I’d be more interested to know the frequency and consistency of the artwork created. Sure there is always a season and meta for warzone, but what about art, how could I make sure that content is in the works. My main goal just like streaming consistently is to consistently try for at least a video a week. 5 videos a month to begin with. Who knows maybe trying this approach will allow the diamonds to emerge more clearly about why some content does well and some don’t. Thanks for reading this post, and understanding if it’s considered content to talk about the substance of content, but here’s to another year